

When it comes to keeping your home and family 安全, you want to
尽你所能保护他们. 随着…的兴起
smart home and automated security, keyless home entry systems have
become one of the first lines of defense for savvy homeowners. If
you’re thinking of adding a keyless lock to your home, here’s a
breakdown of the pros and cons to help you make the right choice


Digging around for your keys in your purse, pocket or briefcase
是一件麻烦事. With keyless entry you won’t have to waste time or
energy searching for keys when your hands are full, or when you’re
匆匆忙忙. The convenience of a keyless lock makes it easier for
you to get inside your house 安全ly and quickly every time. 而且,
best of all, most keyless entry systems come with a key cylinder
override or other 回来up that ensures you can get in even if batteries


Keyless entry means neither you, your kids, nor visiting family need to
worry about being locked out of the house. 如果你忘了带车钥匙
inside, you don’t have to wait for someone to come let you in before you
can drive off to that meeting – all you’ll have to do is enter the code
径直走进去. Newer systems are using fingerprint recognition instead
of a code, which makes it even easier for every member of your home to come


Finding a secure place to hide an extra key has always been tricky.
While it’s convenient to have an extra key located somewhere near the
前门,这是一个重大的安全风险. 窃贼知道人们喜欢去哪里
to hide spare keys, and they use them to gain entry. 当你选择
keyless entry you eliminate the need for extra keys altogether. 这
provides extra security and peace of mind, especially for families with


One of the nicest benefits of a keyless entry system is being able to
see exactly who is entering and exiting your home. 如果你有
automated security system, you can receive alerts on your smartphone
or through email whenever a door is opened or closed.

你 can also assign different codes to different family members, the
neighbor who watches the dog when you’re out of town, or even to a real
estate agent who needs to show the home while you’re still at the office.
Plus, you can deactivate a code at any time. 这意味着你的代码
gave the plumber can be deleted as soon as the work is done, keeping


Along with all the ease and convenience of keyless entry, comes a
一些缺点. Most prominent is the need to change up your codes
经常. If you use the same code for too long, you can leave
telling signs of wear on the keypad which can give the bad guys a
big clue about which numbers are in your code.

Another risk is keeping track of all the codes you give to family,
朋友,服务专业人士. 你需要取消激活代码
given to people for a temporary reason, and be sure to switch up
the main codes, especially if kids might be sharing with friends.
If you decide to go keyless it’s smart to keep a master list of codes
and who they are assigned to, and you should determine a schedule for
changing your codes so that others can’t easily guess what it is.

你 Need to Track a Remote Instead of a Key

Just because it’s keyless, doesn’t mean it’s always without accessories.
Many keyless entry systems come with a remote so you can open the house
as you pull in the driveway or lock things up as you drive away. 然而,
a lost remote can present the same security threat as a lost key. 你
may decide not to use the remote and stick with keypad entry. 要么
way, make sure you don’t leave your home at risk with a plan for what
to do in the event that you misplace a remote.


Typically, traditional deadbolts can add security to your home for
在50美元. Upgrading to a keyless lock or entry system can set you
还我几百美元. 如果你的无钥匙入口是一个更大的
home security system, there may be monthly fees and charges as well.
It’s important to weigh the benefits against the financial burden
when deciding if keyless entry is right for you.

Looking out 给你的家人 and home is important. 交易了
your traditional locks for a keyless entry system can be one of
the smartest moves you make to keep your loved ones and belongings
安全. Be sure you understand both the advantages and disadvantages
在为你的家做改变之前. 联系PMI今天找到
